Ryan Zorn

Hero Image of Ryan Zorn

District 1

East side of US Hwy 40, Fraser/Winter Park Area

Ryan Zorn

Finance Committee Chair

New Director in 2023

A native of eastern Colorado, trips to Grand County were a childhood highlight—having it as his permanent home is a dream come true.  Ryan graduated from Colorado School of Mines and has enjoyed a career dedicated to analyzing the energy sector, weighing the costs and benefits of all energy sources, allocating capital towards the most deserving participants and projects, and leading small- to mid-size companies.  He is married with three children.

PO Box 331

Fraser, CO 80442


Cray Healy

Hero Image of Cray Healy

District 2

West side of US Hwy 40, Fraser/Winter Park Area

Cray Healy, Secretary & Treasurer

Director Since 2022

An MPE member since 1982, Cray and his wife, Nina, live west of Fraser. Their two adult sons are in Denver and Bend, Oregon. Cray is a semi-retired consulting geologist specializing in ground water supply, water resources and water rights issues in Colorado.

PO Box 611
Fraser, CO 80442

Ty Wattenberg

Hero Image of Ty Wattenberg

District 3

Jackson County Area

District 3

Ty Wattenberg

Director Since 2023

Bio and Mailing Address coming soon.


(970) 846-8401

Mark Volt

Hero Image of Mark Volt

District 4

Kremmling/Summit County Area

Mark Volt
Western United Rep.

Director Since 2017

An MPE member since 1983, Mark worked 38 years for the USDA as a District Conservationist. Mark is a CSU graduate. Mark and his wife Audrey have two boys, Cody and Andy. Both sons are pursuing engineering degrees at CSU.

PO Box 9
Kremmling, CO  80459



Mike Sjobakken

Hero Image of Mike Sjobakken

District 5

Grand Lake Area

New Director in 2023

Mike and his wife Sarah are residents of Grand Lake.  Mike has a BS and MS in Electrical Engineering and is a registered professional engineer (PE) in the State of Colorado.  He spent 32 years in the consulting industry working for several large firms.  Mike and Sarah enjoy skiing, golfing, fishing, and other outdoor activities. 

(720) 641-4340

Justin Fosha

Hot Sulphur Springs and North Granby Area Justin Fosha Vice President Director Since 2016  Justin, his wife Gretta and two children live between Granby and Hot Sulphur Springs. Justin along with his family have owned and operated the Drowsy Water Guest Ranch for the past 40 years. He holds an electrical engineering degree from the Colorado School of Mines and an MBA from the University of Denver.  jfosha@mpei.com 970-725-3956

District 6

Hot Sulphur Springs and North Granby Area

Justin Fosha
Vice President

Director Since 2016

Justin, his wife Gretta and two children live between Granby and Hot Sulphur Springs. Justin along with his family have owned and operated the Drowsy Water Guest Ranch for the past 40 years. He holds an electrical engineering degree from the Colorado School of Mines and an MBA from the University of Denver.


Liz McIntyre

Hero Image of Liz McIntyre

District 7

South Granby Area

Liz McIntyre

Director Since 2014

Liz first skied at Winter Park in 1984. A graduate of Dartmouth College, she was a member of the US Ski Team for many years, first as an athlete and later as a coach. Despite extensive travel she chose to return to this area and call it home.

She studied Colorado energy related issues through the Governor’s Energy Office Community Energy Coordinator program, and since around 2010 has diligently learned about MPE and the electric industry. 
