Director Election Notification
This is to notify all Mountain Parks Electric, Inc. (“Cooperative”) members that director elections are being prepared for Director District 4, District 6, and District 7. The election will take place at the Annual Meeting on April 26, 2025, at Middle Park High School, 795 North 2nd Street, in Granby. Registration and breakfast will begin at 8 a.m., and the business session will begin at 9:15 a.m. In-person balloting will be available during the business portion of the Annual Meeting for members who have not voted by mail. Balloting will cease no earlier than 10 minutes past the time the meeting is called to order. Directors serve a 4-year term and are elected from specific geographic areas within MPE’s service territory..
How to become a candidate
To be eligible to become or remain a director, any member in good standing of the Cooperative and who meets the qualifications of Bylaw Article IV, Section 3(a) and (b) is eligible to submit a Candidate Packet to become a candidate for the Board of Directors no later than 5 p.m. on February 24, 2025. Candidate Packets are available at MPE’s offices in Granby and Walden and can also be mailed to candidates upon request. Nominating petitions must be signed by at least 15 qualified members of the Cooperative residing or receiving service in the candidate’s district and submitted to the Cooperative accompanied by the supporting documents specified in Article IV Section 3(a) of MPE’s Bylaws. Any questions regarding election procedures can be directed to Aaron Street at 970-887-3378.
In the case of a contested election, mail-in ballots will be mailed to members in the corresponding contested election district. Ballots will be mailed no later than April 1, 2025. Members receiving a ballot can cast their ballots by return mail, by dropping off their ballots at MPE’s Granby or Walden office, or by voting in person at the Annual Meeting. Mail-in ballots must be received by the Credentials Committee by April 23, 2025. Members voting by mail-in ballot will not be allowed to vote at the Annual Meeting.
Qualifications (from Article IV, Section 3 of MPE’s Bylaws)
- (a) Each candidate for election to the Board shall be a member of the Cooperative and shall have his/her “main home” in the District for and in which the election is to be held, (as the term “main home” is defined by the Internal Revenue Service), and who shall have furnished the Cooperative with a written statement telling why the member wishes to run for election and that the member, if elected, can and will attend all meetings of the Board, subject only to unforeseen conditions beyond the control of the member, and meets or will meet the qualifications set forth in subparagraph (b) below.
- (b) To be eligible to become or remain Director, the person shall: (i) be a member of the Cooperative; (ii) receive electric service from the Cooperative at his or her “main home”; (iii) be able to actively participate in the management of the business and affairs of the Cooperative; (iv) not be employed by, substantially financially interested in, or represent the interests of a business in competition with the Cooperative; and (v) become NRECA certified as a director through course attendance within five (5) years of the election or appointment as a Director.
- (i) No more than two (2) Directors (other than a publicly elected government official) shall be permitted to serve concurrently who are either employees of, serve as a Director or trustee of, or act as a consultant to, the same organization. Employee means employment for at least 20 hours per week for 20 consecutive weeks.
- (ii) If a circumstance described in (i) arises after a Director is elected, the Director who obtains a relationship with an organization subsequent to the formation of a relationship with an organization subsequent to the formation of a relationship by other Directors shall be disqualified from serving.