Mountain Parks Electric, Inc. (MPE) is requesting proposals for local solar photovoltaic and/or solar photovoltaic and battery energy storage systems (BESS) projects with an aggregate nameplate capacity not to exceed 500 kW.
The priorities for this request for proposals (RFP) are to leverage MPE member-consumer grant awards for renewable energy projects and support projects with positive community impact, such as rate stabilization and community clean energy goals.
To see the RFP and other documents, use the buttons below:
Initial Notice to Respond Application
On February 1, 2025, MPE will move to a new wholesale power supplier, Guzman Energy. The decision to withdraw from our existing power supplier, Tri-State Generation and Transmission, was made by our board of directors in 2023, and was based on concerns with perceived financial stability of Tri-State, as well as challenges associated with price predictability with Tri-State. These issues, along with flexibility constraints under MPE’s contract with Tri-State, made it difficult to meet the needs of our members.
Under Tri-State, MPE had less flexibility to meet members’ requests for local generation projects as there was a 5% carve-out cap. This means that only 5% of MPE’s total load could be purchased from a source other than Tri-State, including locally generated power or MPE-owned generation. The 5% carve-out left no room for additional local generation projects.
Under the new contract with Guzman Energy, MPE has the flexibility to purchase an additional 60,000 MWh from sources other than Guzman, approximately 18% of MPEs total load. Of this total carve-out, 5,000 MWh can be secured in the first 2 years of the contract (2025 - 2026) for solar and battery projects.
MPE plans to issue three RFPs for local power supply PPAs to allocate the first 2 years’ carve-out of 5,000 MWh.
Please review the RFP.
There are two application deadlines:
1. An initial notice to respond, due by February 13, 2025. Submit Initial Notice to Respond Application
2. A resource application, due by April 1, 2025. Submit Resource Application
We have developed a ceiling price of an amount no greater than $0.05554/kWh, minus the amount of any applicable transmission costs incurred by MPE arising out of interconnecting the project to MPE’s system.
Our goal is to release the second RFP by May 2025. The timing of the third RFP will be determined by the interest and uptake in first two.
All questions may be submitted to