Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
Granby, Colorado
December 12, 2024
8:00 A.M.
Present: Liz McIntyre, Ty Wattenberg, Mark Volt, Cray Healy, Ryan Zorn, Mike Sjobakken, Justin Fosha, Aaron Street, Sue Henderson, Emily Meek, Joe Palmer, Adam Paulson, Jodi King, and Attorney Bryson Fredregill attended in person. Virginia Harman attended virtually. Angie Wallace was not present.
Call to Order
President Liz McIntyre called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.
Determination of Quorum
A quorum was declared.
Public Comment
No public comments.
Operations Report
Adam Paulson presented the Operations Report. Paulson reported that construction is still underway. The Vasquez work plan project is on hold until spring due to weather, snow, and traffic in the work area is a safety concern for employees. MPE has had good response to RFPs for upcoming projects, including drone facilities monitoring, line clearance, wildfire mitigation, and grid hardening. Paulson also informed the Board that in-depth fiber optic training is taking place for linemen as part of MPE’s strategic plan.
Engineering Report
Sue Henderson presented the Engineering Report. Henderson reported that engineering is working with the Town of Winter Park for easements on a subdivision. MPE has executed the NITS and Balancing Service Agreements necessary to facilitate MPE’s power supply transition.
Finance Report
Information Technology (IT) Report
Joe Palmer presented the IT Report. Palmer reported that IT and Metering are working to wrap projects for year end and have had difficulty getting resources from manufacturers. Palmer reported on efforts to troubleshoot the SCADA maintenance server. Palmer further reported that work to validate meters with Tri-State is underway. Palmer presented an IT video regarding tablet security.
Human Resources, Safety, and Administration Report
Emily Meek referred to the Human Resources, Safety and Administration Report as prepared by Angie Wallace and offered to answer questions. There were no questions.
Member Relations and Communications Report
Aaron Street presented the Member Relations and Communications Report. Street reported on the new rebate program and working to wrap up the old program in the next few months. The Boost program is going well and moving forward. Street reported that the Charitable Trust Board of Directors met this week, and there continues to be an overlap of requests of the Charitable Trust and Operation Roundup. Street is working on how to streamline the requests.
Attorney Report
Attorney Bryson Fredregill referred to the written report.
Manager’s Report
Manager Harman reported that she will continue to focus on Power Supply.
President McIntyre recessed the meeting at 8:53 a.m. and reconvened the meeting at 9:10 a.m.
The Consent Agenda contained the following items:
Minutes of November 14, 2024, Meeting of the Board of Directors
Bills for Payment
MOTION: It was properly moved, seconded, and carried to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
Action Items
Section 2 Tariff
Emily Meek presented Section II: Rate Schedules of the MPE Tariffs and highlighted proposed revisions throughout. Discussion took place.
Megan Moore-Kemp, Amanda Holmes, and Kim Smith joined the meeting at 9:15 a.m.
MOTION: It was properly moved, seconded, and carried to go into executive session to discuss tariff 202.05, Large Power Demand. All directors and staff present at the meeting as well as Attorney Fredregill were in attendance during such executive session.
MOTION: It was properly moved, seconded, and carried to exit executive session.
MOTION: It was properly moved, seconded, and carried to adopt MPE Tariffs Section II: Rate Schedules, as revised.
Tariff 351.02 Notice of Discontinuance
Emily Meek presented Tariff 351.02, Notice of Discontinuance, and discussed proposed revisions to the tariff. Discussion took place.
MOTION: It was properly moved, seconded, and carried to approve tariff 351.02 Notice of Discontinuance as presented.
Amanda Holmes and Kim Smith left the meeting.
Appointment of General Counsel
President Liz McIntyre presented the appointment of general counsel. Discussion took place.
MOTION: It was properly moved, seconded, and carried to reappoint Williamson Lowery Fredregill as general counsel for MPE.
WREGIS Agreement
Bryson Fredregill presented the WREGIS Agreement. Discussion took place.
MOTION: It was properly moved, seconded, and carried to authorize Virginia Harman to negotiate and execute the Assignment of Registration and Account Management Rights for WREGIS and Management of Renewable Energy Credits.
President McIntyre recessed the meeting at 12:01 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 12:34 p.m.
Liz McIntyre presented proposed revisions to policies A2 – MPEI Charitable Trust; A5 – Treatment of Inquiry/Offer to Acquire All or Substantially All of the Cooperative’s Assets; A6 – Selection of Attorney, Duties, and Compensation; A8 – Corporate Credit Card and Expenses Reimbursement; B2 – General Manager’s Vehicle; E4 – Deferred Compensation Plan; and E5 – Temporary Housing Program and discussed changes made to policies. Discussion took place, and the board proposed revisions to Policy A-6.
MOTION: It was properly moved, seconded, and carried to approve Policy A6 – Selection of Attorney, Duties, and Compensation as revised and all other policies as presented.
Board Open Forum, Committee Reports, Association Reports
The executive committee met in November and discussed policies and tariffs.
The member relations committee met in December and discussed policies, an unclaimed capital credit request, and a scholarship request.
Aaron Street presented an unclaimed capital credit request for the Colorado CARE Program in the amount of $34,100. Discussion took place.
MOTION: It was properly moved, seconded, and carried to approve a transfer from the unclaimed capital credit fund of $34,100 to Energy Outreach Colorado to fund the CARE Program.
Aaron Street presented a scholarship request for up to $9,000. Discussion took place.
MOTION: It was properly moved, seconded, and carried to approve a donation of $4,000 for the scholarship request.
Ryan Zorn reported on the CREA meeting, including a 5% dues increase in 2025. Kent Singer, Executive Director, gave notice of his planned retirement in December 2025.
Mark Volt reported the next Western United meeting is in January 2025 and the Western United capital credit refund will be issued soon.
Upcoming Events
The CREA 2025 Annual meeting will be held in February.
Old Business
No old business.
Mountain Parks Services
No business.
Executive Session
MOTION: It was properly moved, seconded, and carried to go into executive session regarding tariffs and board development. All directors present at the meeting were present for the entirety of the executive session.
MOTION: It was properly moved, seconded, and carried to exit executive session.
The meeting adjourned at 12:25 p.m.