Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors Granby, Colorado

May 13, 2021

8:00 A.M.



Present: Scott Simmons, Jeff Hauck, Carl Trick, Richard Zieff, Mark Volt, Liz McIntyre, Kristen Taddonio, Justin Fosha, Mark Johnston, Joe Palmer, Rob Taylor, Michelle Kloss, Donn Finn, and Levi Williamson via Zoom Meetings.

Call to Order

President Jeff Hauck called the meeting to order at 8:01 a.m.

Determination of Quorum

A quorum was declared. Next month may be back in person in the board room for board members, managers will still be participating through Zoom

Public Comment

Ivy Compton, Winter Park Transit Manager entered the meeting. Winter Park has applied for grants to fund the purchase of three buses and the associated charging equipment. If the grants are received, Winter Park will need to contribute $562,398  Winter Park will fund most of this through a special tax assessment.  They are requesting support from Mountain Parks Electric to provide $100,000 to offset a portion of their required contribution. Buses would be available in 2022-2023 depending on production time frame. Goal is to electrify entire bus fleet by 2035. After the grant is approved and the bill for the buses has been received, Winter Park will request transfer of Mountain Parks’  funds. Winter Park should know by September if they receive the grant.

General Manager Johnston explained that Mountain Parks assists all towns in its service territory, including Winter Park, with the collection of sales taxes related to electric sales. Most other towns provide a discount on the remittance amount to compensate Mountain Parks for the collection and remittance of these funds.  Winter Park is alone in not providing such a discount.  General Manager Johnston requested that Winter Park consider providing a similar sales tax discount to compensate for Mountain Parks costs related to the collection of sales tax Ms. Compton agreed to discuss this request with the Town Board.

Ms. Compton remained online through the related discussion item to answer any questions.


Minutes were reviewed by the board. Shoshone Method number discussion needs more information as well as clarification on D-10.

MOTION: It was properly moved, seconded, and carried to bring back minutes next month

Attorney Summary Fees Report

Attorney Williamson didn’t have anything for open session, no questions were asked by the board. For June’s meeting Williamson will attend board meeting by ZOOM as he will be attending the Friday and Saturday in person for the annual meeting.

Manager’s Report

General Manager Johnston reported community solar lease is completed. Staff continue to finalize the member subscription process for the community solar.  A draft subscription process with be presented to the Board for approval at a later meeting. 

General Manager Johnston discussed the possibility of  potential partners in the fiber project that would include a new design for the fiber backbone.  The specifics will be discussed in executive session.

The agreement to list the Winter Park Land has been executed.. Health care proposals will be discussed in executive session.

The Town of Winter Park contacted Mountain Parks to discuss a Franchise agreement.  They have requested additional information and the discussions are very preliminary.

Tri-State and the intervenors in the base rate case have reached a proposed settlement.  The settlement agreement has been filed with FERC.  FERC will review the agreement and should approve since all parties, including FERC Staff, have signed.   In the Board Policy 125 matter Highline Electric filed comments in support of the Tri-State position.  Mountain Parks does not support Tri-State’s position.  As Levi indicated at the beginning of Mountain Parks’ intervention, if there was a difference in the positions of Highline Electric and Mountain Parks arose, both Coops he represents, it would create a conflict of interest that would require him to withdraw from representing both cooperatives. The specific legal issues will be discussed in executive session.

Safety Report

The Safety Report as prepared by Safety Coordinator Lee was reviewed.

MOTION: It was properly moved, seconded, and carried to approve safety report.

Discussion/Action Item A: Audit Report Ratification

MOTION: It was properly moved, seconded, and carried to approve audit report.

Discussion/Action Item B: E-1 Safety and Job Training

There was no suggested changes/revisions from Attorney Williamson on this policy. Discussed changing the reporting structure for the Safety Coordinator from the Operations Manager to General Manager. In section II 3 B add wording to be “effective and well rounded”. Board members would like to know if safety issues were due to equipment failure.  Attorney Williamson would like to be involved with the notification process if this happens.  General Manager Johnston suggested the Policy be made public.

MOTION: It was properly moved, seconded, and carried to approve E1 with above changes.

Discussion/Action Item C: E-2 Security of Personal Health Information

Some of the requirements for this policy have changed due to being self-funded.

MOTION: It was properly moved, seconded and carried to approve this policy and make it public.

Discussion/Action Item D: Electric Transit Buses

Discussion that Mountain Parks would like to cover as much of its territory as possible. This project fits within MPEI’s strategic plan. There would be a quick payback as we would be selling them electricity that they currently aren’t using. Discussion that buses could possibly be vehicle to grid capable and be utilized to help MPEI shave its peak. Winter Park wouldn’t ask for the money unless they get approved for the grant.

MOTION: It was properly moved, and seconded to approve support of this project in the amount of $100,000 contingent on Winter Park becoming successful in obtaining the grant.

Discussion regarding education fund going towards this project, economic development is a portion of this fund and a large population of members that would benefit from this project that have contributed to this fund. Board discussed changing name of Education fund to expand utilization of this fund.

MOTION: Motion was amended to include that Winter Park agrees to work with Mountain Parks Electric with vehicle to grid. It was properly moved, and seconded to approve support of this project in the amount of $100,000 contingent on Winter Park becoming successful in obtaining the grant.

Discussion/Action Item E: CO-Bank Grant

CoBank approved a $10,000 grant for the Mountain Family Center Totes program.  The grant requires that Mountain Parks provide matching funds.

MOTION: It was properly moved, and seconded to approve the matching funds.

Discussion/Action Item F: Fire District Request

Request for generators for submersible device for rescues in the amount of $1400.

MOTION: It was properly moved, and seconded to approve these funds.

Discussion/Action Item G: E-5

This policy was discussed last month.

MOTION: It was properly moved, and seconded to approve this policy and make it public.

Discussion/Action Item H: CFC Annual Meeting

Director McIntyre would like to be the CFC delegate again. Director Zieff would be alternate.

MOTION: It was properly moved, and seconded to approve Director McIntyre and Director Zieff as delegates

Discussion/Action Item I: NCSC Annual Meeting

Director McIntyre would like to be the NCSC delegate again. Director Zieff would be alternate.

MOTION: It was properly moved, and seconded to approve Director McIntyre and Director Zieff as delegates

Engineering Report

Reliability team started. Outages and load control situation needs to be discussed as well as demand response programs.

Operations Report

The Operations report reviewed Manager Finn reported 225 outages year to date. FEMA analysis went really well.

Finance Report

Manager Dellamano’ s financial report was reviewed. Capital credits went out this month. No rate increases projected in the near future. Processing and late fees were reinstated.

Information Technology Report

The Information Technology Report as prepared by Manager Joe Palmer was reviewed. Manager Palmer reported about Colonial Pipeline hack and is enhancing cyber security training by the end of the year.

Human Resources and Administration Report

Manager Rahn’s report reviewed. No questions.

Member Relations and Communications Report

The Member Relations and Communications Report as prepared by Manager Taylor was reviewed. Taylor reported about upcoming annual meeting. Election in district 4 between Mark Volt and Noble Underbrink. Test drive event scheduled July 22nd with 5-8 electric vehicles to  test drive.

Bills for Payment

The Board reviewed the list of cash disbursements for April 2021.

Board Open Forum

Western United: Director Zieff reported Western United’s expansion project going forward. Audit was approved by the board.

NRECA resolution submitted by June for debt relief, Tri-State Sierra club working on resolution for this. NRECA is moving toward neutral. Mountain Parks Electric looking to support Tri-State with this.

Green Power: Director McIntyre reported that Green Power financials are looking good. Not reducing rebates right now.

Tri-State: Director Trick reported that board highlights were emailed. By law amendments should be posted next month.

CREA: Director Hauck reported no new news with CREA.

Old Business

No Old Business Reported

New Business

CU Boulder is hosting an event June 23-24 at Director Taddonio’ s home where people can ask questions. Masks are required. Board is scheduling time to be there. Taddonio will send information.

Mountain Parks Electric Meeting adjourned for Mountain Parks Services Meeting. Mountain Parks Electric Meeting called back to order at 11:32.

Executive Session

MOTION: It was properly moved, seconded and carried to go into executive session after lunch to discuss member confidentiality, Attorney Williamson in relation to FERC, Drought and MPE Preparations, Tri-State Settlement, President Discussion, and Insurance Options Discussion.

The meeting adjourned at 3:55 p.m.