MPE's Green Counter

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Local Renewable Generation, (EST annual kWh)

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Green Power Program Rebates Since 2011

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Energy Efficiency Rebates Since 2011


You can make a local difference by contributing as little as $1 a month (an adder to your monthly electric bill) to help advance the installation of local renewables. MPE consumer-members can also apply for a rebate (see below).Through this program, since 2011, more than $300,000 has been invested in local green projects. Currently, more than 1,500 MPE consumer-members contribute to this program. Becoming a contributor is easy. Sign up today!

CLEAN POWER PROGRAM: Rebate Application

Since 2011, MPE has rebated more than $300,000 to local renewable energy installations. To apply for a local renewable energy installation rebate, you must also contribute to the program. The Clean Power Program rebate is $500 with a minimum system size of 2kW.

Nameplate Rating Limits:

RESIDENTIAL: up to 25 kW nameplate
COMMERCIAL: up to 250 kW nameplate

NOTE: You must submit your rebate application within 90 days of net metered connection to MPE's system and provide a PV Watts report.


If you are installing a renewable installation to net-meter your electricity with MPE, YOU MUST FIRST COMPLETE OUR INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENT.  Call our Engineering Department at (970) 887-3378 Ext. 4 to request an agreement form or for more information about interconnections.

After completing and submitting the agreement and a state inspection, MPE will physically inspect your system to verify the nameplate rating, inverters, location, etc. Upon approval, your net-metering account will be activated.

For more information about MPE's net-metering tariff, READ TARIFF SECTION 330 (link below)


MPE invests in a number of local renewable projects. Our first project was a small solar array at Middle Park High School in Granby. Since then, we have expanded our local renewable purchases to include hydro and commercial-scale solar projects.


The power that you receive from MPE is getting greener and greener. By 2024, it will be 50 percent renewable (up from 33 percent renewable in 2020). Westminster, Colo.-based Tri-State G&T, MPE's wholesale power supplier, is making big investments today to green up our power mix.  

MPE Clean Power Program taking applications for Clean-Energy Grant


MPE Clean Power Program taking applications for Clean-Energy Grant

The Clean Power Program is seeking partnership proposals for large-scale solar or clean-energy projects.   

GRANBY, CO – Since 2011, Mountain Parks Electric, Inc. (MPE) has provided rebates on local renewable energy installations through the Clean Power Program. This year, the Clean Power Program is offering community members, local business owners and non-profits the chance to apply for an accelerator grant to help support clean-energy projects in the MPE service territory.  

The Clean Power Program has the potential available funds to contribute a total of up to $30,000. It is hoped that through these gap-closing funds, the Clean Power Program can help advance local projects. For this round of funding, the Clean Power Program aims to expand its impact beyond individual residential solar and renewable projects to larger-scale projects suitable for commercial uses.