Tuesday | January 10, 2023

Mountain Parks Electric is now seeking letters of interest from qualified members living in District 5 to fill a recently vacated director seat. District 5 is generally described as the Grand Lake area and is identified in this map. A written description of the district boundaries is available at mpei.com/bylaws (see Article IV, Section 2).

Director qualifications include the following:

a.  Each candidate for election to the Board shall be a member of the Cooperative and shall have his/her “main home” in the District for and in which the election is to be held, (as the term “main home” is defined by the Internal Revenue Service), and who shall have furnished the Cooperative with a written statement telling why the member wishes to run for election and that the member, if elected, can and will attend all meetings of the Board, subject only to unforeseen conditions beyond the control of the member, and meets or will meet the qualifications set forth in subparagraph (b) below.

b.  To be eligible to become or remain Director, the person shall: (i) be a member of the Cooperative; (ii) receive electric service from the Cooperative at his or her “main home”; (iii) be able to actively participate in the management of the business and affairs of the Cooperative; (iv) not be employed by, substantially financially interested in, or represent the interests of a business in competition with the Cooperative; and (v) become NRECA certified as a director through course attendance within five (5) years of the election or appointment as a Director.

i. No more than two (2) Directors (other than a publicly elected government official) shall be permitted to serve concurrently who are either employees of, serve as a Director or trustee of, or act as a consultant to, the same organization. Employee means employment for at least 20 hours per week for 20 consecutive weeks.

ii. If a circumstance described in (i) arises after a Director is elected, the Director who obtains a relationship with an organization subsequent to the formation of a relationship with an organization subsequent to the formation of a relationship by other Directors shall be disqualified from serving.

Interested District 5 Mountain Parks Electric members should submit a letter of interest by January 27 to:

Mountain Parks Electric
ATTN: Liz McIntyre, Board President
PO Box 170
Granby, CO 80446