Thursday | February 27, 2025

P.O. BOX 170

You are hereby notified that the above-named Corporation proposes to add rate 202.08 to become effective April 1, 2025.  Tariff 202.08 is available to consumers taking service at transmission level voltage with a demand requirement of 20MW. To be eligible for 202.08, consumers must also have a signed agreement with Western Area Power Administration (“WAPA”) in which the member receives an allocated share of its service from WAPA.

The proposed tariff is available for examination and explanation at each business office of MPEI, 321 West Agate, P.O. Box 170, Granby, Colorado 80446 (970-887-3378), and 600 3rd Street, Walden, CO 80480 (970-723-4500). It can also be seen below this notice. 

Anyone who desires to complain about the proposed changes shall file a written complaint with the Corporation at 321 West Agate, P.O. Box 170, Granby, Colorado 80446, at least 10 days before the proposed effective date. In any such complaint, a request for a hearing on the complaint should be made if you wish such a hearing.

The Corporation may hold a hearing to determine what changes will be authorized. The changes ultimately authorized may or may not be the same as those proposed and may include changes different than those tariffs proposed or currently in effect. Anyone who desires to receive notice of hearing, if any, shall make a written request therefore to the Corporation, at the above address, at least 10 days before the proposed effective date.


    President Liz McIntyre
    District 7
    MPE Board of Directors


202.08 Transmission level service with WAPA allocations

A.  Availability

Available to members taking service at transmission level voltage with a demand requirement of 20 MW. In addition, eligibility for this rate tariff is reserved for Members with a signed agreement with Western Area Power Administration (“WAPA”) in which the member receives an allocated share of its service from WAPA (“WAPA Allocations”). The member must also enter into an agreement with Mountain Parks Electric, Inc. (the “Cooperative”) by which the Member agrees to delegate, or assign, its WAPA Allocations to the Cooperative’s designated power provider (the “Confirmation Agreement”) and agrees to charges for capacity and energy to serve the member hereunder. 

B.  Monthly Rate

Each billing period the Member shall be obligated to pay the following charges:
• All Charges as set forth in the Confirmation Agreement. 

C.  Billing Adjustments

This rate is subject to all billing adjustments.

D.  Agreement

An agreement for electric service with a fixed term may be required by the Cooperative. This rate schedule may be changed by order or consent of regulatory authorities having jurisdiction, or, if none, by the Cooperative’s Board of Directors. Service hereunder is subject to the Cooperative’s Tariffs and Rules and Regulations for electric service.